Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Doppler effect for light proven to be mechanistically and mathematically wrong

Doppler effect for light does not reflect the real cause of both redshift and blueshift of light
------------------------------------------------ by Bingcheng Zhao

Related knowledge: (i) Doppler effect for light is the result of extrapolating the phenomenon of acoustics to the phenomenon of light. (ii) Doppler effect for light is the combination of Doppler effect for sound waves and special relativity. Because the relativistic effect describing in special relativity is of postulate-based feature due to special relativity itself is postulate-based, the relativistic Doppler effect for light (RDEL) is thus postulate-based feature. Therefore, the full name of RDEL should be postulate-based RDEL, PBRDEL for short.

Core reminding!!! Fact 1: Doppler effect for light is indispensably based on special relativity ---- the formulae in Doppler effect for light require special relativity. Fact 2: special relativity has been proven to be mechanistically thus essentially wrong (P. 149 ~ 178, Ch.1D, reference #1; ). These two facts will be tangibly helpful to digesting and accepting another proven fact that Doppler effect for light has been proven to be mechanistically and mathematically wrong ---- the central topic of 6.7, Ch.6A (P. 722 ~ 732, 6.7, Ch.6A, reference #2).

[*Three acronyms: (1) PBRDEL = postulate-based relativistic Doppler effect for light (i.e., Doppler effect for light). (2) MRRBL principle = the principle of Mechanism-Revealed Redshift and Blueshift of Light (P. 714 ~ 722, 6.5 and 6.6, Ch.6A, reference #2; ). (3) EPBSR = Einstein’s postulate-based special relativity ---- Einstein’s special relativity is based on two postulates, so its real name should be Einstein’s postulate-based special relativity)].

With the newly discovered and verified MRRBL principle as fundamental diagnosing and comparative tool, PBRDEL has been proven and demonstrated to be clearly wrong — it is mechanistically and mathematically wrong (P. 722 ~ 732, 6.7, Ch.6A, reference #2), because PBRDEL incorporates EPBSR, whereas EPBSR has been proven to be mechanistically thus essentially wrong (P. 149 ~ 178, Ch.1D, reference #1; ); because PBRDEL does not and cannot reflect that the real cause of redshift or blueshift of light is the change in the scales of length and time respectively caused by the motion of light source or observer. PBRDEL is mechanistically thus essentially wrong (P. 723, 6.7.1, Ch.6A, reference #2): it mistakenly concludes the redshift that occurs when a light source is moving towards an observer as blueshift; it mistakenly concludes the blueshift that occurs when an observer is receding from a light source as redshift. PBRDEL is mathematically wrong in three critical aspects (P. 723 ~ 726, 6.7.2, Ch.6A, reference #2). (i) The incorrect relation between redshift factor and recessional velocity. For instance, when redshift factor ranges from 0.00 to 0.30, the correct relation between redshift factor and recessional velocity is curvilinear based on the newly discovered MRRBL principle, whereas this relation virtually becomes linear in PBRDEL. (ii) Considerably underestimating the recessional velocity of light source from known value of redshift factor, particularly when the value of redshift factor is in the typical range < 0.30. (iii) Substantially overestimating the value of redshift factor from recessional velocity. In addition, examples showing that PBRDEL is theoretically incapable of interpreting some observed phenomena and practically incurring ridiculous results have been provided and analyzed.

The key to understanding of the proven fact that PBRDEL is mechanistically and mathematically wrong: (1) knowing the greatest equation in the history of science, which is the famous mass-energy equation (E = mc^2 or E0 = mc^2), because the physical law (i.e., the law of object’s mass doing work; ), which reveals the mechanism behind the greatest equation in science (P. 114 ~ 118, 1.6, Ch.1B, reference #1; ), is also the ultimate foundation that proves why PBRDEL is mechanistically and mathematically wrong. In other words, after knowing why mass has energy, you will easily understand the proven fact that PBRDEL is mechanistically and mathematically wrong. (2) Being the extrapolation from Doppler effect for sound waves occurring only in material medium, PBRDEL does not and cannot reflect the essentially unique nature of light ---- light can travel in entirely vacuum space via its quantum nature. (3) Once knowing the mechanism thus essence behind redshift and blueshift of light via the newly discovered MRRBL principle ( ), you will easily understand the proven fact that PBRDEL is mechanistically and mathematically wrong, simply because PBRDEL is unable to know the very mechanism thus essence. (4) MRRBL principle reveals and quantifies the cause of redshift or blueshift of light is the change in the scales of length and time respectively due to the motion of light source or observer, whereas PBRDEL does not and cannot reflect the cause of both redshift and blueshift of light.

Available clues can be helpful to digesting and accepting the proven fact that PBRDEL is mechanistically and mathematically wrong. Clue 1: once the effect of the physical medium (e.g., air) responsible for propagating sound waves is excluded, all the various definitions and descriptions of Doppler effect (Doppler shift) for light will immediately become mechanistically thus essentially groundless. Clue 2: PBRDEL does not and cannot reflect that the true cause of redshift or blueshift of light is the change in the scales of length and time respectively caused by the motion of light source or observer. Clue3: the long-standing fundamentally important problem of dark energy, which actually becomes permanently incapable solved problem with the paradigm of PBRDEL via its based Hubble’s law. Clue 4: PBRDEL is actually incapable of interpreting some of observed phenomena or measured effects, and has obtained some obviously ridiculous results (P. 729 ~ 731, 6.7.4, Ch.6A, reference #2).

The mechanistically thus essentially profound implications of PBRDEL turns out to be mechanistically and mathematically wrong. (1) Any so-called verifications or tests of PBRDEL cannot be mechanistically thus essentially valid, because the mechanism thus essence behind PBRDEL describing phenomena is utterly bypassed via the “help” of its based EPBSR (*note, EPBSR has been proven utterly skipping over the mechanism thus essence behind its describing phenomena via the “help” of its two postulates (P. 155 ~ 159, 1.16, Ch.1D, reference #1)); as the consequence that any so-called experimental verifications or tests of PBRDEL cannot be mechanistically thus essentially valid, any so-called interpretations of the redshift and blueshift of light with PBRDEL cannot be mechanistically thus essentially correct, because this sort of interpretations turns out to be merely the consequence of mechanistically thus essentially mistakenly interpreting experimental results (p. 732 ~ 733, 6.8.1, Ch.6A, reference #2). (2) Hubble’s law is mechanistically and mathematically wrong accordingly, simply because the recessional velocity of galaxies and stars in Hubble’s law is determined with PBRDEL.

Six pieces of related information: (1) The law of object’s mass doing work (P. 93 ~ 109, Ch.1A, reference #1; ). (2) Establishing Mechanism-Revealed Scales Relativity Theory (P. 133 ~ 147, Ch.1C, reference #1; ). (3) Special relativity has been proven to be mechanistically thus essentially wrong (P. 149 ~ 178, Ch.1D, reference #1; ). (4) Discovering the principle of Mechanism-Revealed Redshift and Blueshift of Light (P. 714 ~ 722, 6.5 and 6.6, Ch.6A, reference #2; ). (5) The problem of dark energy has been completely solved, with the newly established and verified mechanism-revealed physics (P. 783 ~ 786, 7.6, Ch.7B, reference #2; ). (6) Mechanism-Revealed Physics, Bingcheng Zhao ( ).

By comparison: after establishing and verifying the principle of Mechanism-Revealed Redshift and Blueshift of Light (P. 714 ~ 722, 6.5 and 6.6, Ch.6A, reference #2; ) that reveals and quantifies the true cause of redshift or blueshift of light is the change in the scales of length and time respectively due to the motion of light source or observer, there is no reason or excuse not to accept the proven fact that PBRDEL is mechanistically and mathematically wrong, simply because PBRDEL does not and cannot reflect the true cause of both redshift and blueshift of light.

Reference #1: 2009, Bingcheng Zhao, From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics [Vol. 1(1/2)], ISBN: 978-1-4357-4913-9.
Reference #2: 2009, Bingcheng Zhao, From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics [Vol. 2(2/2)], ISBN: 978-1-4357-5033-3.

Ph.D., Bingcheng Zhao,
The author of “From Postulate-Based Modern Physics to Mechanism-Revealed Physics”
1401 NE Merman Dr. Apt. 703, Pullman, WA 99163 USA.